• Who came first, God or man?

    Who or What is God? According to Descartes, God is that which an infinite, unlimited and absolute perfect being is. Leibniz believed that God is a necessary being which constitutes the sufficient explanation of the totality of contingent things; the universe is this way rather than any other. God according to him is not only…

  • Cartesian Imagination and Beyond

    Descartes talks about imagination in his book Meditations on First Philosophy and he very firmly asserts that the act of imagination can never bring us the truth about the material world or even ourselves. Nietzsche, another prominent western philosopher, believes that reason can only explain the cause and effect in the world. But nothing in…

  • सच्चा ज्ञान

    कईं बार मेरे मन में यह प्रश्न उठता था-क्या कारण हैं कि विश्व में कहीं भी शांति नहीं हैं ? जहां देखो वहाँ लोग विरोध और विवाद में उलझे हें हैं . तब मेरे समक्ष स्वामी विवेकानंद के जीवन का यह प्रसंग आया जिसके अध्ययन से मेरी जिज्ञासा शांत हुई .वह प्रसंग कुछ इस प्रकार हैं –…